I was 13!

Someone shared with TSSP, anonymously:

I was in a movie theatre and the front 3-4 rows were empty. Our tickets were in the back rows but my little sister liked to see movies from the first row. So we moved ahead on the front row and after some time this guy sat on the seat adjoining mine. Moments later he started touching my leg but he couldn’t proceed with his intentions because he was called out by his manager (I think he worked there because no adult wants to sit in the front rows). I was mortified. Now, when I look back I still want to break his fingers for disrespecting my boundaries, making me uncomfortable. But, also the realization that he could have done that to my sister too, sends jitters down my spine. I don’t think a monster who preys on children should be roaming free in society at any cost.

 P.S. – I was 13 and my sister was 7.

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