I was disgusted

Tannvi shared with us:

Most often than not, we young girls tend to trivialize and not “dramatize” genuine issues and concerns. It’s the years of conditioning that make us stay quiet and tolerate the actions of men. When I entered college at 17, I wasn’t aware of the scary metropolitan life that I would have to endure every day. One day, I was travelling in the metro to my college at around 06 AM. A man was sitting next to me on the platform. He probably was around  40-45 years old and was wearing a formal suit. It had been around five minutes while I was sitting a couple of seats away when I realized that he was continuously staring at my denim-tight thighs and his hand was in his pants, belt loosened. Joining the dots, I was so disgusted and in utter shock, that I got up and ran towards the security check area. To date, I haven’t travelled in the metro that early. 

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