I was told my body wasn’t right!

“Amara” shared:

I was 13 years old when I had my first experience of groping and harassment and stalking. I had left my home on my bicycle to go to the tuition center. Just after five minutes of reaching the main road, I won’t lie that there was a man on a Scooty who had slowed down his pace to match mine and was constantly staring at my breasts. He tried to make conversations with me and started asking me questions about who I am, how old I am and what I do. Petrified, I could not move or speak. My only thought at that point in time was to cycle as fast as I could and reach the tuition centre. Upon my refusal to render any information that he asked for, the man started following me on a Scooty. I had forgotten to completely close my school bag and a few notebooks of mine were visible. The man tried to check what class of grade I was to estimate my age. It was then that he realized that I was really 13 years old. He kept following me and tried to ram into me and ended up groping my breasts. When I looked at him with disgust and anger, he passed the most atrocious comment-

“How are you 13 years old with such big breasts like that? Don’t you think they are too big for a girl your age?”

I was shocked at his audacity and for some reason, I found the courage to yell back at him. I asked him to go away and leave me alone. I  told him that I would shout, scream and create a scene if he doesn’t leave me alone. To which, he responded by saying that he was merely passing a comment on my body and it wasn’t wrong to tell someone when their bodies aren’t right.

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